Peace can be defined as a state of tranquility, of quietness and as the absence of any trouble. It corresponds to a social and political ideal.
Peace refers to the harmony between individuals that live in the same society. Unlike what many people think, living in peace with others doesn’t mean that there’s no conflicts : we can’t avoid conflict, but peace allows us to resolve them in a calm and reasonable way through dialogues.
Peace is essential for a society’s development. It allows its economy to be prosperous (see prosperity) since it makes trades between countries and individuals easier. We can see that when there’s a war, the economy of the countries involved is always affected.
Peace is also an engagement. Some people fight to get it. Remaining passive and neutral during a conflict does not bring peace, it only makes this conflict’s resolution longer and harder because we don’t do anything to help.
So, living in peace means living calmly and listening and respecting other people or societies.
However we shouldn’t forget about inner peace, which is as important as general peace. Inner peace corresponds to a state of tranquility and well-being. To get to that state, you have to make sure to separate from anything that makes you feel stressed, angry, sad, frustrated... Just like peace between individuals, you have to resolve conflicts and be able to find a solution to your future problems without losing your temper. This requires a lot of work.
So, we can note that peace, inner or exterior, is a process that requires a lot of effort to avoid conflicts quickly and without problems.